What has been the most beneficial aspect of our work together? Helping the FGRP staff discover our “why”. It’s like you put a mirror up to our work and showed us who we are and what we’re doing, flaws and all. Before this work staff felt a little aimless and ungrounded, the work with Proponents helped get everyone on the same page about where we’re at and what we do. You also provided a safe, comfortable space where we could do some valuable team-building. Staff were able to engage in conflict in a constructive way during this process that they weren’t before. I suspect the logic model will be a well-used tool in the coming months and years and the situational analysis itself will provide a great launching point for our strategic planning work.
Thanks for really hearing us and for your dedication and patience. You took the time to make sure you really got everything right. You made each staff member feel heard and valuable, which resulted in a truly 360-degree analysis of the organization. You captured all of our staff’s views and work and ideas very well. And when staff requested to change or edit something you really took the time to not only make the change, but also to consider how to do it in the best possible way. It was a true pleasure working with you!
Your work exceeded our expectations.
-From Tracey Flower, Executive Director for FGRP